We are a Mission Work of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC). The session of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Abilene, TX oversees and governs the work here in Wichita Falls which held its first public worship service in June 2019. Since July 2023 the congregation has been gathering for worship at Dexter School, the former location of Fain Presbyterian Church. All are welcome and invited to worship the one only, living and true, Triune God with us! See below for a sample order of worship.


As a Reformed, confessional Presbyterian Church, we believe the whole Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is God’s Holy Word, His inerrant written revelation to mankind. It is our sole rule or standard of both faith and practice, what we believe and what we do, Sola Scriptura. The gospel of Jesus Christ is truly good news for poor sinners who are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, all to the glory of God alone.

reformed and confessional

Creeds and Confessions of faith are formal statements of what a church believes about Scripture, God, Man, Sin, Jesus Christ, the Gospel of Salvation, the Law, Worship, Marriage, the Church, Civil Government, and Christ’s second coming. What we believe the Bible teaches, its system of doctrine, is carefully summarized and explained by our confessional standards: the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Westminster Larger Catechism, and the Westminster Shorter Catechism.


Our church officers (teaching elders, ruling elders, and deacons) take vows to uphold this historic understanding of Biblical teaching in order to exercise proper authority in Christ’s church. This administration is ministerial and declarative, not legislative, which preserves Christian liberty of conscience and protects the purity, peace and unity of the church.

All who become members of Living Stone Presbyterian Church and join this local expression of Christ’s body in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church are required to have been or be baptized and make a public profession of faith, affirming the following five membership vows:

  1. Do you believe the Bible, consisting of the Old and New Testaments, to be the Word of God, and its doctrine of salvation to be the perfect and only true doctrine of salvation?

  2. Do you believe in one living and true God, in whom eternally there are three distinct persons—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit—who are the same in being and equal in power and glory, and that Jesus Christ is God the Son, come in the flesh?

  3. Do you confess that because of your sinfulness you abhor and humble yourself before God, that you repent of your sin, and that you trust for salvation not in yourself but in Jesus Christ alone?

  4. Do you acknowledge Jesus Christ as your sovereign Lord, and do you promise that, in reliance on the grace of God, you will serve him with all that is in you, forsake the world, resist the devil, put to death your sinful deeds and desires, and lead a godly life?

  5. Do you promise to participate faithfully in this church’s worship and service, to submit in the Lord to its government, and to heed its discipline, even in case you should be found delinquent in doctrine or life?

You'll find Orthodox Presbyterian churches of many sizes in many communities throughout North America. All are called to demonstrate the love of God and the relevance of Christ's message of deliverance to a society that is weary of sin, hollow materialism, and shattered relationships. 

We enjoy meeting together to worship our Creator and Redeemer. In worship, God's people adore him, bring him thanks, ask for his help, and receive the blessing of his presence. Through the preaching of the gospel, God announces his saving acts and calls people to believing and obedient response to his Word.

Through faithful teaching, our members grow spiritually. We seek to obey God's laws because such obedience pleases him. So we not only embrace the teaching of God's Word, but also strive to demonstrate its application in our lives.

Our churches care about people. We show concern for the poor and for victims of such catastrophes as famines and earthquakes. We'll show you this love and concern as you involve yourself with us. Our goal and purpose can be summed up in the motto of one of our congregations, "Preaching all of God's Word; sharing all of Christ's love."

From the OPC website: www.opc.org/about

Our worship in spirit and truth is Christ-centered and exalting, relying on the Holy Spirit to work through His ordinary means of grace: the Word, Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and Prayer. Here is a sample worship order:

While the Scripture readings and song selections will change week to week, the general order of service reflects the call-and-response dialogue between God and His covenant people that is modeled in the Bible.

If you are visiting us with children, we encourage you to keep them with us during worship, participating in our service to God. We do have a separate nursery/cry room available for nursing mothers and young children.